
Circumstances drove me away from my adorable darling, and now they drive me back to her. If I ever had a faithful fan following, I apologize for this lengthy period of neglect. If I didn't, THEN EVERYBODY ON THE PLANET SUCKS!
I guarantee much more regular updates, keeping my mental frustration in mind (literally).

Over the year, I've successfully earned myself a horrible reputation among those who actually respected me. Was it my fault? No, surprisingly, it wasn't. Come to think of it, it might be my fault partly.

This is a case of 'indirect judgmental reputation'. The subject in question, is seen with those members of society, who spend a good part of their lives drinking, smoking and mentioning the abbreviation of 'fornicating under (the) consent (of the) King', at every available opportunity, which usually varies from once in every 5 words, to once in every 3.

Its a pity. The elders need to work on the variety section, when it comes to showing their disapproval, which is currently restricted to 'frown' and 'grunt'. How boring! By the time I reach that stage of utmost boredom, they had better come up with something innovative, or I shall flatly refuse to age.

All that set aside, my personality (miraculously have one) refuses to fit in, anywhere. I feel like the inhabitants of Moron Mountain, in Space Jam. The only difference is that they were four morons, and I'm a four-in-one moron. If given a choice, I wouldn't mind staying at a place named Moron Mountain. My kinda people, my kinda place. I might ever win the elections. The problem is, that I am far, far away from Moron Mountain, and I don't even know where it is, and I'm too proud to ask for directions.

Hence, the mental frustration mentioned in the first paragraph.
On the bright side, I now have a display picture. Glory Glory, Hallelujah!

I was thinking of adding a few flowers and butterflies for company, but the hand refused to share the limelight.

3 of your kind reacted:

Yay! You're back!
Yes, you did have a faithful fan following btw.
I was sick of directing to your page and being welcomed by ratemypoo all the time!
I didn't really get the picture, though. Looks kind of like an x-ray of a decapitated femur. o_0

September 20, 2008 at 11:41 PM  

MUAH! Abhishek!
Now I know what to call it.

September 22, 2008 at 3:01 AM  

ah welcome back :D :D

I like the dead files though :D :D

September 22, 2008 at 12:19 PM  

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