Do you miss the people and the places that made you smile? Everything always finds a way of reminding you of all the good things you had, that you let go of, or that let go of you. The worst thing about good times is that, when you are there, at that time, you do not realize that this will be a memorable moment in your life. You do not stop and think, "I'm gonna look back and miss these days, these people" because you only think it gets better from then on.
Miss 'no good skinny waist' finally made her return into my life; my much needed blog inspiration. She made it a point to tell all the people present, that they had lost weight, except me though. I suppose that was a casual mistake, she definitely didn't mean to miss complimenting me on purpose. As usual, the guys in the group began to suck up to her and tell her how fabulous she looked. Trust me, when you wear 'designer' clothes, designed by 'you', remember to wear the belt that was meant to go with it, because empty loops on either side of your kurta look lame. They look so lame, that it can be used as a comparison in the future, for instance one may say -- "OMG! She looked so lame with that hair-do, but not as lame as that girl, who wore her kurta without the belt, with those open loops on either side."
Image of the evil one:
That aside, I realized that my time in the group was up. Everything in life has an expiry date. The shelf life of the good things that have come my way, make perishable goods seem everlasting. I cannot ignore the fact, that her entry into my life has kicked me back to my books. I just miss the good days.
Note : Body hugging clothes and sluttyness have the never exhausting capacity of turning desperate boys into vacuum cleaners (read: suck ups).
Circumstances drove me away from my adorable darling, and now they drive me back to her. If I ever had a faithful fan following, I apologize for this lengthy period of neglect. If I didn't, THEN EVERYBODY ON THE PLANET SUCKS!
I guarantee much more regular updates, keeping my mental frustration in mind (literally).
Over the year, I've successfully earned myself a horrible reputation among those who actually respected me. Was it my fault? No, surprisingly, it wasn't. Come to think of it, it might be my fault partly.
This is a case of 'indirect judgmental reputation'. The subject in question, is seen with those members of society, who spend a good part of their lives drinking, smoking and mentioning the abbreviation of 'fornicating under (the) consent (of the) King', at every available opportunity, which usually varies from once in every 5 words, to once in every 3.
Its a pity. The elders need to work on the variety section, when it comes to showing their disapproval, which is currently restricted to 'frown' and 'grunt'. How boring! By the time I reach that stage of utmost boredom, they had better come up with something innovative, or I shall flatly refuse to age.
All that set aside, my personality (miraculously have one) refuses to fit in, anywhere. I feel like the inhabitants of Moron Mountain, in Space Jam. The only difference is that they were four morons, and I'm a four-in-one moron. If given a choice, I wouldn't mind staying at a place named Moron Mountain. My kinda people, my kinda place. I might ever win the elections. The problem is, that I am far, far away from Moron Mountain, and I don't even know where it is, and I'm too proud to ask for directions.
Hence, the mental frustration mentioned in the first paragraph.
On the bright side, I now have a display picture. Glory Glory, Hallelujah!
I was thinking of adding a few flowers and butterflies for company, but the hand refused to share the limelight.