Summer has razed my enthusiastic holiday spirit to the ground. I think it has had amusing effects on my groupmates as well, since everyone is being extra nice to me off late. Undoubtedly, they're suffering from fried brain syndrome.
My favorite "inspirational" best friend has stopped talking to me, without prior notice, or any showdown, which was much expected. She continues to stick to my best friends, which (sadly,) no longer effects me much. She also tried (in vain) to get the guys to accompany her to a super-cool disco in the city. Surprisingly, the offer was ignored by all, except the guy who will sell his soul to the devil for her. I haven't seen much of her in the past two weeks, which indicates, that I may live a normal hate free life from now on (which will be boring for all my faithful blog readers, since I won't be spewing hot molten magma all over the place).
I seem to have lost my "bad luck" charm somewhere, and I've moved heaven and earth looking for it, but as you see, I haven't found it yet. When I do, you'll will be the first to know (trust me).
A new girl has gained membership into our group, and she keeps the boys very happy. We shall not dive into any details as yet. So far, things have been going smoothly between us, lets hope for the best.
I have been recording random recordable conversations, since I finally have something that can record sounds without a persistent hissing in the background.
I haven't melted too much body fat, as planned earlier. I have tanned two shades darker. I have a big red pimple on my forehead, and my head hurts real bad.
I am planning on going on a protest against the atrocities of summer, but no one seems too keen on joining my little campaign.
I leave now, to fight heat, dust and find a new inspiration for my blog.
~ Njoy
Labels: The Whatever Files
I think you should kill all your friends and then kill yourself.
13 said...
April 27, 2007 at 1:34 PM
Animal ? WTH!
13 said...
April 27, 2007 at 1:34 PM
try this:
redbull, 3 parts of
absolut vodka, 1 part of
chilled beer, 2 parts of
fresh battery acid, to taste
a dead black widow, floating
Jatin said...
April 28, 2007 at 3:28 AM