As I woke up today, I had this wonderful idea, or rather this perfectly planned blog entry that I'd like to put up on the internet. I lay in bed thinking for around 5-10 minutes, and once everything was in place, I got up, and began to type at break neck speed. Now I know its rude, not to go out and say your goodmornings, and brush your teeth and do the bed as soon as you wake up, but you cannot let an inspiration like that just get lost, because you had to follow some sad, boring daily routine. Anyway, as I opened Notepad, my mom walked in. My mom talks a lot (believe me), not the gossip-talk, just the normal talk-talk. So she began asking about stuff, here's mostly what the conversation went like:
(note: my mom loves to cook)

Me: (type type type type)
Mom:You woke up?
Me: (type stop) Yeah, goodmorning ma. (type type)
Mom: What will you have for breakfast?
Me: (type type stop again) Anything will do. (type type)
Mom: Fruit?
Me: (type type stop) Yea. (type type)
Mom: But bananas are over.
Me: (type type stop) (in shock, since bananas are my staple diet) Then what else is there? (type type)
Mom: Sweet lime?
Me: (type type stop) They're raw (type type stop) Mom, can I just finish typing something here, before I forget? It won't take long. (type type)
Mom: Ya ya, sure, but tell me what you'll eat, or when you're hungry, you'll start eating my brains.
Me: (type type stop) I'll eat anything mom, I'll think lil later. (type type)
Mom: You want soup?
Me: (type type stop) Yup, but no pepper or garlic. Too heaty. (type type)
Mom: But you won't like it without pepper and garlic, thats what gives it the taste .
Me: (type type stop again! argh!) Okay, put. (type type)
Mom: Then what else will you eat after that?
Me: (type type stop, sigh) Anything will do ma. (type type)
Mom: But you can't have soup all day!
Me: (type type stop) Yes I can! (type type)
Mom: No, you think and tell me now.
Me: (type type stop)
(can't think of anything beyond blog topic)
(takes mind off the topic and tries to concentrates on food)
(manages to remove topic completely from mind)
(realizes that topic is gone, erased, deleted from brain)
(mumbles to self angrily)
(gets up)
(goes and eats semi-raw sweet lime and watches TV)


4 of your kind reacted:

Good one Hamun...
Fortunately, you din end up with Ma's brains !!!

May 3, 2007 at 4:27 AM  

ma peeps dont even ask me so many times....u lucky lady,u :)

May 21, 2007 at 1:45 PM  

This could just as well be my biography... Phew!

August 22, 2008 at 11:44 AM  

me and sm of my frnds hv started an E-magazine called Reader's Quotient, it is totally for a noble cause, i came across ur blog in my quest to search excellent writers and felt worth inquire u if u shall be willing to come along us ?
if yes pls contact us on

regds sangeeta

February 5, 2010 at 8:27 PM  

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